Active Theory
Best Navigation/Structure /
People's Voice Winner
Active Theory
Best Navigation/Structure
People's Voice Winner
During production we were able to reach a balance by leaning into each other's strengths. The Google team helped lead the product insights, and we provided technical recommendations.- Active Theory Team

Q: What influenced your chosen technical approach, and how did it go beyond past methods?
A: We created a physics-based 3D game to make learning about Google products fun and engaging for the user in a way that a static site often does not. As with many of our projects, we used our internal Javascript framework in order to ensure the 3D intensive experience would be performative across a range of devices.What breakthrough or “a-ha” moment did you experience when concepting or executing this project?
Given the gumball machine in the digital experience was a series of branching paths, we needed to make sure that the development of this stayed manageable, as we didn’t want to get stuck needing to create endless combinations of mechanical interactions and Google product suggestions. In order to manage this, we created a series of different paths that users could explore (e.g. sports, arts, food, family) and this would keep them on track within a theme and ensure we didn’t need to create too much content.

Q: What web technologies, tools, or resources did you use to develop this?
A: The site is built with WebGL using an internal JavaScript framework, Hydra.