Ryze Agency UK

Bellway London -
Digital Brand Experience

Real Estate / People's Voice Winner
Ryze Agency UK

Real Estate

"Digital has never been so involved in our everyday lives. Desire is no longer a thing for users, it comes down to essential needs." Ryze Agency UK

Q: Can you describe your project and the concept behind it?

A: Ryze has brought Bellway London to the digital stage with a new online presence and brand experience for their city-based demographic. As part of the Bellway group of brands, Bellway London has a different audience of city-based home buyers and required brand new art direction and on-trend aesthetic. We brought edge and urban style to help market their jaw-dropping London developments to UK customers and international real estate audiences.

Q: What influenced your chosen technical approach, and how did it go beyond past methods?

A: We needed to ensure a shared CMS experience from a technical stand point in the back-office as the platform was to host future sites that shared the same central data as other Bellway consumer websites. The aesthetic produced by our creative director instantly clicked with resounding feedback from the client but we needed the digital experience to match that style and feel through UI movement, interaction and structure.

When did you experience a breakthrough or an "a-ha" moment during this project?

As with any project, we worked out the UX in wireframe format first, but after the first time we conceptualized the homepage prototype in full visual and animation it brought the concept to life and proved at the presentation that this was the right solution for a new audience while still feeling like it belonged under the umbrella of the global brand and resonated with Bellway's values.

Q: What web technologies, tools, and resources did you use to develop this?

A: We use many tools throughout the UX and design process, notably working up wireframes, flats and moving prototypes in Adobe XD for a streamlined design process. The platform is built as a multi-site CMS based on Craft CMS and front-end coded in HTML5, CSS3 and JS, hosted on an AWS infrastructure.

Q: How did the final product meet or exceed your expectations?

A: The project was well received by both client and audience and is performing from a brand strengthening perspective and marketing support tool, with an increase in sales leads. Social reviews and award-based accolades have also shown that our industry peers appreciate the execution and output of the project — proof the early decisions were the right ones to take.

Q: Why is this an exciting time to create new digital experiences? How does your team fit into this?

A: Digital has never been so involved in our everyday lives. Desire is no longer a thing for users, it comes down to essential needs. We're no longer in a place where users are seeing something new for the first time, they've seen it before and their expectations are higher than ever. This means our challenge is bigger than ever so we need to find new, compelling and progressive ways to keep things fresh and invigorating. So that's what we do!
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